Since the end of last year, ŽDB Drátovna has been producing its own steam for technological purposes for its two plants, the Patented Wire Drawing Plant (TPD) and the Non-Patented Wire Drawing Plant (TND). Since January this year, hot water for heating. Until now, steam and hot water for these two plants was supplied by an external company. Replacement of the external source will lead to complete independence of the Bohumín company in the supply of these commodities.
“The benefits of the investment include independence from an external heat supplier, our own production of electricity when the cogeneration unit is running and the regulation of the heating system of the TPD plants in order to minimise heating costs,” says Petr Adamek, the company’s managing director.
The Bohumín-based company invested a total of CZK 115 million in infrastructure development, i.e. in the purchase of equipment and the necessary structural modifications in connection with fire protection of the buildings. The company has purchased four steam and two hot water boilers, and, in view of the electricity prices, a cogeneration unit, which will be put into operation in the coming months. In connection with the regulation of the heating system and the use of heat from the cogeneration unit, the air handling units and hot water distribution systems will also be replaced and supplemented throughout the entire operation. “The actual operation and maintenance of the equipment is provided by an external service provider,” said Jiří Rohál, head of the technical department.
Until now, the process steam was supplied by an external manufacturer at the foot of TPD plants, after which the company supplied it to individual appliances through internal pipelines. “We use 95 per cent of the steam to heat the process baths at the seawater plants of TPD and TND. And also to heat mainly acids in the galvanizing and patent galvanizing lines. Steam heating is particularly advantageous in terms of the speed of temperature change of the required medium,” explains Jiří Rohál.
“We use the hot water at the TPD plant to heat the production halls during the winter months and also to heat the administration building and the adjacent testing room of the plant,” added the head of the technical department.
Since Třinecké železárny’s acquisition in 2012, ŽDB Wire Plant has invested almost CZK 2 billion to ensure further development and increase its competitiveness. “The aim of the modernisation was to strengthen our portfolio, especially in the production of wires for other manufacturing industries such as the production of ropes, springs, fasteners, bearings and other applications, including automotive applications. It was important to complement and significantly increase production capacity and strengthen our position especially in the European market,” added Petr Adamek, Director of ŽDB Drátovna.